Christian beliefs & teachings
Jesus Christ & salvation
- The resurrection
- The ascension
The resurrection
Give two reasons why the disciples believed Jesus was alive after his resurrection. (2)
- They saw him
- he spoke to them
- the tomb was empty
- he ate with them
- it was the fulfilment of prophecy
Explain two ways in which belief in the resurrection of Jesus influences Christians today. (4)
– gives Christians faith that they will be raised from the dead, by proving that it is possible, helps them overcome fear of death, encourages some to lay down their life for their faith
– creates faith that good can triumph over evil, so helps Christians face persecution and suffering
– proves that Jesus was God’s son, so gives authority to his teaching and example and gives them stronger reason to follow his teaching.
‘The resurrection of the dead is the most important Christian belief.’ (12)
Arguments in support
NB Some candidates might take ‘resurrection of the dead’ to refer only to the resurrection of Jesus, or else to the resurrection of Christians, or they might take it to refer to both. Accept all reasoned arguments based on these understandings. Also, accept any reasonable argument concerning what might be the most important Christian belief other than in resurrection.
– For most Christians, suffering, and death are the worst things they have to deal with / so if they believe that the dead are resurrected, then they no longer have to fear suffering or death.
– Christians fear separation from their families at death / so belief in resurrection to heaven means that they will be reunited with those they love.
– Christians believe that after their resurrection they will live forever in God’s kingdom / in a state of perfect happiness.
– Ideas such as these are the central claim of Christianity: that Jesus was God incarnate / crucified, resurrected and ascended / and is the means of salvation from sin, since Jesus’ death and resurrection atone for human sin.
– St Paul states clearly that God raised Jesus from the dead / and if he had not done so, then the (human) dead are not raised either / in which case faith is futile, for Christians are still in their sins / and those who have already died will remain dead (1 Corinthians 15:15-19) / so Paul shows that the resurrection of Jesus and of Christians are the most important Christian beliefs: one follows from the other.
– There is so much evidence for the resurrection of Jesus that it must be true / the four Gospels all have an account of the resurrection of Jesus / so the resurrection of Christians must also be true / and must be the most important Christian belief.
– St Paul reached this conclusion at his trial described in Acts 24, where he says that he is on trial for his life because of his belief that the dead will be raised to life, etc.
Arguments in support of other views
– Some might argue that belief in God as Creator is the most important Christian belief / since for resurrection to be important to believers, people have to be created first.
– In the same way, some might argue that the most important belief is that God is good / this is not obvious from all the evil in the world / but if God is not good then there will be probably be no resurrection.
– Equally, some might argue that the most important Christian belief is not just in the resurrection of the dead but in resurrection to judgement / this can be seen in the Parable of the Sheep and Goats (Matthew 25) / which teaches that the dead will be resurrected to God’s kingdom or else to eternal fire / so the most important belief must be to follow the teachings of God/Jesus to avoid being sent to hell.
– Some might argue that belief in resurrection of the body is more important than belief in resurrection of the soul / eg because Jesus’ resurrection was bodily / or else that resurrection is a metaphor for being with God in some unknown way.
– Some might argue that all Christian beliefs are equally important / and that the incarnation / crucifixion / resurrection / ascension / Pentecost are all equally necessary for Christian belief / belief in human resurrection is just one part of a connected group of beliefs, etc.
The ascension
Give two Christian beliefs about Jesus’ ascension. (2)
- Jesus rose / was carried up into heaven / Jesus met with God in heaven.
- It took place in Bethany.
- It happened 40 days after the resurrection.
- It marked the end of Jesus’ life on earth.
- Two men appeared in white robes.
- The two men told the disciples that just as they had seen Jesus ascend to heaven / he would return to earth in the same way.
- It was the point at which the disciples began to worship Jesus.
- At this point the disciples became joyful / were no longer sad.
- Jesus also told the disciples about the gift of the Holy Spirit.
- It showed the truth of Jesus’ promises, eg about heaven / proved Jesus was right.
- Jesus’ disciples were present.
- Jesus rose to heaven so Christians can too, etc.