Theme B
Religion & life
The use and abuse of animals, including:
- animal experimentation
- the use of animals for food
Use & abuse of animals
Give two reasons why some religious people do not eat meat. (2)
Against killing of animals as they believe that animals should not be harmed / animals are God’s creation / idea of stewardship / object to cruelty eg of some factory farming or killing methods / believe that vegetarianism is healthier / medical reasons / upbringing / dislike the taste of meat / if land used to raise cattle was used to grow vegetables more food would be produced/ goes against religious teaching eg. Buddhist and Hindu belief in ahimsa / God sees every sparrow that falls / may
not be kosher or halal.
Give two reasons why many religious people use animals for food. (2)
Their religion doesn’t forbid it / examples from sacred writings of eating meat / permission given by God eg to Noah / personal choice as there isn’t a law against it / most people eat meat (only a minority of people are vegans or vegetarians) so it must be alright / enjoy the taste / good for health / good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals / it’s the tradition, etc.
Explain two similar religious beliefs about the use of animals for food. (4)
Spec 2
- animals were put on the earth for the use of humans/humans given dominion over the earth which includes using what it produces/humans were created with teeth that allow them to chew and eat meat/meat provides protein that our God given bodies need religious food laws give guidance that permits eating meat
- animals are living beings created by God/it is wrong to take away life even from animals/issues of cruelty in the way animals for food are treated/animals are part of the reincarnation process that includes human life/even harming living creatures is wrong/compassion for animals
- eating vegetables does not take away sacred life and is healthier/if land used rearing animals was used for growing crops, there would be more food in the world and fewer would starve, etc
There is no requirement for Christians to be vegetarians/God provided animals for humans to eat as many other animals do (lions, tigers, etc.)/eating meat is part of some traditional Christian celebrations and observances/Jesus ate fish and probably meat as well/St Paul taught that all food can be eaten but not anything that causes someone else to sin – some interpret this to mean that killing animals is sinful so
vegetarianism is best, etc.
Jews are allowed to eat meat that has been slaughtered in the correct way (kosher) and has had the blood drained out/animals are provided by God for humans to use for food/God told Noah after the flood that eating animals is permitted/no pork, carrion and some types of fish are allowed/meat cannot be mixed with dairy products, etc
Explain two religious beliefs about the use of animals for food. (5)
Animals were put on the earth for the use of humans / humans given dominion over the earth which includes using what it produces / humans were created with teeth that allow them to chew and eat meat / meat provides protein that our God given bodies need / religious food laws give guidance that permits eating meat / animals are living beings created by God / it is wrong to take away life even from animals / issues of cruelty in the way animals for food are treated / animals are part of the reincarnation process that includes human life / even harming living creatures is wrong / compassion for animals / eating vegetables does not take away sacred life and is healthier / if land
used for rearing animals was used for growing crops, there would be more food in the world and fewer would starve, etc.
There is no requirement for Christians to be vegetarians / Genesis 1:28 – humans given authority / God provided animals for humans to eat as many other animals do (lions, tigers, etc.) / eating meat is part of some traditional Christian celebrations and observances / Jesus ate fish and probably meat as well / Peter’s vision – Acts 10:9-16 / St Paul taught that all food can be eaten but not anything that causes someone else to sin – some interpret this to mean that killing animals is sinful so vegetarianism is best, etc.
Jews are allowed to eat meat that has been slaughtered in the correct way (kosher) and has had the blood drained out / animals are provided by God for humans to use for food / Genesis 1:28 – humans given authority / God told Noah after the flood that eating animals is permitted / no pork, carrion and some types of fish are allowed / meat cannot be mixed with dairy products, etc.
Explain two contrasting religious beliefs about animal experimentation. (4)
God has allowed humans to discover how to do it so it may be done / may be justified as may lead to medical advances / need to find cures to terrible diseases for both animals and humans / saves putting human lives at risk / animals can be especially bred for experimentation purposes / suffering and experimentation can be kept to a minimum / humans are more valuable than animals / it is cruel, and animals suffer and often die / cosmetic testing isn’t necessary / there are viable alternatives to testing / animal testing takes advantage of animals’ inability to give consent so is exploitative and wrong, etc.
Christians view animals as part of God’s creation / they believe part of their duty, as stewards of creation, is to protect animals, not exploit them / ‘The righteous care for the needs of their animals’ – Proverbs 12:10 / idea of dominion (Genesis 1) may be used to support animal experimentation as humans are seen as superior to animals / opposed to testing cosmetics on animals, etc.
Jewish beliefs include Genesis 1 which gives humans responsibility over animals, which must not be abused / many Biblical passages show concern for animals and treating them fairly (eg Proverbs 12:10) / research to test potential new medicines is permitted if there is no alternative way of finding out if it works and if suffering is kept to a minimum, etc.
Explain two similar religious beliefs in contemporary British society that are used to oppose animal experimentation. (4)
Humans are more valuable than animals / it is cruel, and animals suffer and often die / cosmetic testing isn’t necessary / there are viable alternatives to testing / animal testing takes advantage of animals’ inability to give consent so is exploitative and wrong, etc.
Christians view animals as part of God’s creation / they believe part of their duty, as stewards of creation, is to protect animals, not exploit them / ‘The righteous care for the needs of their animals’ – Proverbs 12:10 / opposed to testing cosmetics on animals as it isn’t necessary, etc.
Jewish beliefs include Genesis 1 which gives humans responsibility over animals, which must not be abused / many Biblical passages show concern for animals and treating them fairly (eg Proverbs 12:10), etc.
Explain two religious beliefs about animal experimentation. (5)
Animals were put on the earth for the use of humans / humans given dominion over the earth which includes using what it produces / humans were created with teeth that allow them to chew and eat meat / meat provides protein that our God given bodies need / religious food laws give guidance 0that permits eating meat / animals are living beings created by God / it is wrong to take away life even from animals / issues of cruelty in the way animals for food are treated / animals are part of the reincarnation process that includes human life / even harming living creatures is wrong / compassion for animals / eating vegetables does not take away sacred life and is healthier / if land
used for rearing animals was used for growing crops, there would be more food in the world and fewer would starve, etc.
There is no requirement for Christians to be vegetarians / Genesis 1:28 – humans given authority / God provided animals for humans to eat as many other animals do (lions, tigers, etc.) / eating meat is part of some traditional Christian celebrations and observances / Jesus ate fish and probably meat as well / Peter’s vision – Acts 10:9-16 / St Paul taught that all food can be eaten but not anything that causes someone else to sin – some interpret this to mean that killing animals is sinful so vegetarianism is best, etc.
Jews are allowed to eat meat that has been slaughtered in the correct way (kosher) and has had the blood drained out / animals are provided by God for humans to use for food / Genesis 1:28 – humans given authority / God told Noah after the flood that eating animals is permitted / no pork, carrion and some types of fish are allowed / meat cannot be mixed with dairy products, etc.