Theme B
Religion & life
The origins and value of the universe:
- The use and abuse of the environment, including the use of natural resources, pollution.
Use & abuse of the environment
Give two examples of what religious believers might do to help to carry out the duty of stewardship. (2)
Spec 1
Recycle/protect the environment/stop pollution/raise awareness about environmental issues, etc.
Give two ways that religious believers can help to protect the world’s natural resources. (2)
Reduce / recycle / reuse / raise awareness about the abuse of the world’s natural resources / walk or cycle or use public transport instead of petrol or diesel cars / select products that have little plastic packaging / turn off lights that are not being used / reuse bags for shopping / live sustainably / replant trees to prevent deforestation / use renewable energy / write to MPs / use the media / educate people, etc.
Explain two religious beliefs about the use of natural resources (5)
Some religious believers accept the Big Bang theory which is currently the leading scientific explanation for how the universe began / it suggests that the universe started with an incredibly small, hot, dense something – a singularity, which expanded over approximately 13.8 billion years or so to become the cosmos which we know today / as the universe cooled the material which had been flung in all directions became stars and galaxies and planets, etc.
Genesis 1 states that God designed and created the universe and it was good / God spoke the universe ex nihilo (out of nothing) / Genesis 1.1 – 2.3 says that God created the universe and everything in it in six days and rested on the seventh day and made it holy / some Christians believe that this is literally true but others say that the story is designed to show that the universe wasn’t an accident but was created by God / others accept the Big Bang theory as the way God created everything, etc.
Genesis 1 tells how God, by speaking, created everything that exists, including humans on the sixth day / “When God began to create heaven and earth – the earth being un-formed and void” Genesis 1:1 / the Torah says that God created the universe and everything in it in six days and rested on the seventh day and made it holy / many Jews say that the Torah suggests that God designed everything and so do not accept that it was an accident / some Jews believe that the Big Bang was caused by God / others say that Judaism asks the question ‘Why did the universe come into being not how, etc.
Explain two reasons why many religious people protect the environment. (5)
Human survival depends on looking after the environment / if it is abused it cannot easily be replaced or repaired / the way the environment is treated will affect future generations so people should reduce, reuse and recycle / non-renewable resources cannot be replaced / human actions have a real impact on nature and the climate / if it isn’t protected the world will turn into a desert or become burning hot, etc.
God created humans to look after the world (Genesis – Adam and Eve looked after the Garden of Eden) / people have not been given the right to abuse, spoil, waste or destroy what God has made / ideas of stewardship and trusteeship – Genesis 2: 15, Psalm 8: 6 / important to live sustainably / God will hold people accountable on Judgement Day / humans are only tenants of God’s world (Leviticus 25 : 23), etc.
God created humans to look after the environment (Genesis – Adam and Eve looked after the Garden of Eden) / ideas of stewardship and trusteeship / the bal tashchit (do not waste) precept supports looking after the environment / Leviticus – love thy neighbour / ‘All that I created for you …. do not corrupt or desolate my world …’ (Midrash Ecclesiastes Rabbah 7: 13) / God will hold people accountable on Judgement Day / tikkun olam (healing the world) / the Messiah will come when the
world is healed, etc.
Give two religious beliefs about pollution. (2)
Spec 2
Pollution damages the world that God created/abuse of stewardship/will produce bad karma/not a loving or compassionate act because it affects people and other living creatures, etc.
Give two ways religious believers might help to reduce pollution. (2)
Encourage governments to keep to their internationally agreed targets to reduce pollution / write to MPs / use the media / educate people / reduce gas emissions which cause acid rain / use renewable, clean energies / campaign for more safeguards to prevent massive oil spills / reduce the use of toxic chemicals / campaign for the control of pesticides / personally avoid littering / set a good example by clearing up litter / reduce / recycle / reuse / reduce reliance on plastic / use public transport / walk /cycle / electric vehicles / plant trees / support charities like A Rocha, Operation Noah.